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This chapter will explain where all the files coming with the archive should end up.

Simple installation

It's recommended to leave the whole hsc directory at one piece. Therefor extract the archive somewhere to your hard disk, for example to work:hsc.

You now have to add this directory to your workbench search path. This can be performed adding a line like the one you can find below to your user-startup
    Path work:hsc ADD
After rebooting, you can open a CLI and type in ``hsc helpยดยด, and hsc should come up with a short information message.

Minimum installation

For a minimum installation, only hsc and hsc.prefs are required. If you want to utilize the project management capabilities of hsc, also hscdepp and hscpitt are required.

Copy the binaries to somewhere in your workbench search path (for exmple, to c:) and hsc.prefs anywhere else and set HSCPATH according to this.

Making hsc resident

All binaries should already have the the pure bit set. If not, you can do this by entering

    protect hsc/hsc add p
    protect hsc/hscdepp add p
    protect hsc/hscpitt add p

in CLI.

To make the binaries resident on every startup, add the lines

    resident hsc
    resident hscdepp
    resident hscpitt

to the user-startup.

Important: For resident programs, PROGDIR: is not defined. You will have to take care that hsc is able to find hsc.prefs before it tries to scan PROGDIR: for it. This can be done by by setting the environment variable HSCPATH or by placing hsc.prefs in the current directory for every project.